- Authors: Aref ’ev M.L.1
- Люберецкое судебно-медицинское отделение ГБУЗ МО «Бюро СМЭ»
- Issue: Vol 3, No 2 (2017)
- Pages: 24-28
- URL: https://igor.eco-vector.com/index.php/jour/article/view/135
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.19048/2411-8729-2017-3-2-24-28
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The article highlights the results of experimental studies of the thoracic and abdominal cavities, chest and abdomen organs of 23 cadavers with sudden death with the use of new high-tech diagnostic methods, video endoscopic technique. The results of the experimental studies were archived, after that a standard study of the cadaver with the opening of the cavities and extraction of the organ complex was performed to confirm the results of the study.
About the authors
M. L. Aref ’ev
Люберецкое судебно-медицинское отделение ГБУЗ МО «Бюро СМЭ»
Author for correspondence.
Email: arefev@sudmedmo.ru
к.м.н., врач ‒ судебно-медицинский эксперт, заведующий,
140000, г. Люберцы, Октябрьский пр-т, д. 338
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