- Authors: Golubev A.M.1,2, Sundukov D.V.2, Churilov A.A.3, Ershov A.V.1,4, Romanova O.L.1,2, Telipov I.N.2
- Federal Clinical and Research Center of Reanimatology and Rehabilitology, Moscow, Russian Federanion
- RUDN University
- Federal Clinical and Research Center of Reanimatology and Rehabilitology
- Sechenov First Medical University
- Issue: Vol 5, No 4 (2019)
- Pages: 9-14
- URL: https://igor.eco-vector.com/index.php/jour/article/view/284
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.19048/2411-8729-2019-5-4-9-14
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Objectives. Systematization of cerebellar Purkinje cell injuries to clarify the pathogenesis of combined clozapine-alcohol poisoning and to substantiate the immediate cause of death.
Material and methods. Experimental studies were performed on 25 white outbreed rats divided into 5 groups: control, group I (clozapine 3 hours), group II (clozapine 24 hours), group III (clozapine + alcohol 3 hours), group IV (clozapine+alcohol 24 hours). Te assessment of Purkinje cell injury was performed using the classifcation of neuronal damage.
Results. In the control group of animals reversible changes in Purkinje cells prevailed: primary irritation and acute swelling (15-20%). Irreversible changes were detected in 2-5%. In case of clozapine poisoning the number of Purkinje cells with irreversible changes (shrinking, karyocytolysis, severe changes, Ghost-like cells) was increased. Te percentage of Purkinje cells with such changes was 30-40%. In case of combined clozapine-alcohol poisoning the percentage of irreversible Purkinje cells injury increased to 40-60% (especially 24 hours afer starting the study). Quantitative diferences in irreversible changes in Purkinje cells in the experimental groups were statistically signifcant if compared to the controls (p<0.05).
Conclusion. As a result of the study the most commonly detected injuries of Purkinje cells of cerebellum in clozapine poisoning were revealed. Te most prominent damage to Purkinje cells with predominance of irreversible changes were found in cases of combined clozapine-alcohol poisoning. 24-hour duration of the experiment led to the more severe Purkinje cell injuries if compared to the 3-hour duration.
About the authors
A. M. Golubev
Federal Clinical and Research Center of Reanimatology and Rehabilitology, Moscow, Russian Federanion; RUDN University
Author for correspondence.
Email: arkadygolubev@mail.ru
Arkadii M. Golubev, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Prof., Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia; Federal Scientifc and Clinical Center of Reаnimatology and Rehabilitation
Russian FederationD. V. Sundukov
RUDN University
Email: sudmed.rudn@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8173-8944
Dmitrii V. Sundukov, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Medical Institute, Department of Forensic Medicine
Russian FederationA. A. Churilov
Federal Clinical and Research Center of Reanimatology and Rehabilitology
Aleksei A. Churilov, V. A. Negovsky Institute of General Resuscitation, Federal Scientifc and Clinical Center of Reаnimatology and Rehabilitation
Russian FederationA. V. Ershov
Federal Clinical and Research Center of Reanimatology and Rehabilitology, Moscow, Russian Federanion; Sechenov First Medical University
Email: salavatprof@mail.ru
Anton V. Ershov, Dr. Sci. (Med.), V. A. Negovsky Institute of General Resuscitation, Federal Scientifc and Clinical Center of Reаnimatology and Rehabilitation
Russian FederationO. L. Romanova
Federal Clinical and Research Center of Reanimatology and Rehabilitology, Moscow, Russian Federanion; RUDN University
Email: olgpharm@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6356-9251
Olga L. Romanova, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Ass. Prof., Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Medical Institute, Department of Forensic Medicine
Russian FederationI. N. Telipov
RUDN University
Email: vasya9548@mail.ru
Islam N. Telipov, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Medical Institute, Department of Forensic Medicine
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