- Authors: Klevno V.A.1,2, Chumakova Y.V.1,2, Korotenko O.A.1, Sandu D.I.1, Dubrova S.E.2
- Moscow Region Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination
- M. F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute
- Issue: Vol 6, No 1 (2020)
- Pages: 41-45
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article discusses the application of pre-autopsy computed tomography (Virtopsy) for studying the sudden death of an adolescent with undiagnosed Marfan syndrome.
Aim. To identify the capabilities of the pre-autopsy computed tomography (CT) in determining the cause of the sudden death of an adolescent, as well as the extent of injuries, if present.
Material and methods. A CT scan was obtained at the Department of Diagnostic Radiology of a district hospital using a modern multifunctional CT scanner Siemens SOMATOM Perspective (64-slice configuration, slice width of 1.5 mm).
Results. The forensic medical examination revealed the following information about the corpse: asthenic body type, a height of 178 cm, long extremities, thin and long spider-like fingers, pectus excavatum, little fat beneath the skin and poor muscle development; blood in the pericardium, rupture of the dissecting aneurysm of the ascending aorta. The histological examination of the aorta revealed its dramatic thinning, fragmentation of the elastic fibres along with the alteration of the elastic framework, fragmentation and poor development of muscle fibres in the media. A CT scan showed the rupture of the dissecting aneurysm of the ascending thoracic aorta with para-aortic haematoma and cardiac tamponade.
Conclusion. The analysis of obtained data allowed us to diagnose a multisystemic disorder of connective tissue (Marfan syndrome) undiagnosed intra vitam. The sudden death was caused by the rupture of the dissecting aneurysm of the ascending aorta which is a complication of the congenital genetic pathology.
Intravitam CT or MRI scans of children being at risk of the multisystemic disorder of connective tissue will help detect pathological changes in the aortic wall and perform cardiac surgery promptly which would significantly increase the length of life and improve its quality for such patients.
About the authors
V. A. Klevno
Moscow Region Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination;M. F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5693-4054
Vladimir A. Klevno, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Prof., Head of Moscow Region Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination; Departmental Head, Department of Forensic Medicine, M. F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute, SPIN-код: 2015-6548, AuthorID: 218210 Russian Federation
Yu. V. Chumakova
Moscow Region Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination;M. F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9738-8288
Yuliya V. Chumakova, Departmental Head, Thanatology Department, Moscow Region Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination; Postgraduate Student, M. F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute, SPIN-код: 9415-3226, AuthorID: 1038347 Russian Federation
O. A. Korotenko
Moscow Region Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination
Olga A. Korotenko, Forensic Medical Expert, Zvenigorod Department of Forensic Medicine, Moscow Region Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination Russian Federation
D. I. Sandu
Moscow Region Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination
Dmitry I. Sandu, Forensic Medical Expert, Zvenigorod Department of Forensic Medicine, Moscow Region Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination Russian Federation
S. E. Dubrova
M. F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute
Sofya E. Dubrova,Cand. Sci.(Med.), Research Assistant, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, M. F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute Russian Federation
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